A long-time lover of dystopian fantasy, Zarah spends her days writing stories that will have your inner survivalist coming out…


Fifty years after Yellowstone erupted, Leah and her daughters struggle to live in a frozen and hostile land. But when a tyrant comes to her small town of NoWhere with a machine called The Mountain Eater, she sees firsthand the lengths he’ll go to claim their home, regardless of human life. Desperate and out of options, Leah is forced to face her fears in the outside world as she seeks the help of a dangerous people rumored to have the weapons and technology needed to save her home. But surviving is one thing; earning their trust–and sacrifice–is another. How far will she go to save not just her town, but her children? Or will she pay a great price, only to lose them all again?

Perfect for readers who love The Magnificent Seven and Snowpiercer, Sandall weaves a thrilling world of rotdogs, cannibals, and romance that'll leave you screaming for Leah to run . . .

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“Daniel, what is the most dangerous animal in the world?”


“A mother.”

— Zarah Sandall, Nowhere